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Contact Us


ADDRESS:  2005 Madison Ave. Room #317, New York, NY, 10035

PHONE:  212-831-5201

FAX:  212-831-5206





Please reach out to:  Jennifer Fernandez Parent Coordinator

PHONE:  1-201-477-8031

FAX:  212-831-5206


Need to get in contact with some one quick! Call the Grade Ambassadors

9th Grade Ambassador Mr. Santana 2013740785

10th Grade Ambassador Mr. Ball 201 564-5195

11th Grade Ambassadors Ms. Lane 1 201-448-7416 and Ms. Rodriguez (201)464-0906

12th Grade Ambassador Ms. Shavis 9294761158 and Ms. Page 201 632-3470


Transportation Information

SUBWAY:  2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 125th Street

BUS:  BX15, BX33, M1, M100, M101, M102, M103, M15, M2, M35, M60, M7, M98


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