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Lemonade Stand Part I

Run 15 rounds of the Lemonade Stand Game and then answer questions after you finish.

Step 1:

Click here to go the Lemonade Stand Game

Step 2:

Answer the following questions:

1. What was your final dollar amount? 

2. What are the four different items you need to make purchasing decisions about each round?

3. What factors influenced your customers each round?

4. How much ice did you purchase in the 3rd round? (Write IDK if you do not remember)

5. How many cups did you buy in the 11th round? (Write IDK if you do not remember)

6. How did the weather impact your customers? (Write IDK if you do not remember)

7. How many lemons did you buy in the 2nd round? (Write IDK if you do not remember)

8. How much ice did you buy in the 8th round? (Write IDK if you do not remember)

9. How many questions did you write IDK for the answer?

10. Why would it be helpful for a business to know the answers to questions 4-8?