Lemonade Stand Part VII
Step 1:
Retrieve the spreadsheet you completed from Parts I-VI from your email. You should log in, go to your "sent" folder, open the email you sent to DrydenAssignments@uaglobalcommerce.org, download the file, and open the file.
Step 2:
Copy and paste these questions into a blank email.
1. Total Daily Cost vs. Daily Profit : Describe the relationship you see in the graphs. What fluctuations do you see in your total daily cost vs. the daily profit? What do you think caused them? Indicate the specific days as a way to provide proof of your conclusion.
2. Total Income: Describe the “Total Income”trend. Give 3 reasons why it may look that way and what you would do different in the future. Use specific data from the graphs. Indicate the specific days as a way to provide proof of your conclusion.
3. Inventory : How did inventory influence your sales? Describe the relationship you see between the products you have in stock, total cost and sales. Indicate the specific days as a way to provide proof of your conclusion.
Step 3:
Write your answers underneath each question. Responses will be graded based on how thoroughly they use evidence from the spreadsheets and graphs to support answers.
Step 4:
Send email to DrydenAssignments@uaglobalcommerce.org